Eddie Bauer | Times Square Holiday Billboard
T’was two days before Thanksgiving and all through the brand,
all of marketing was stirring from a brief about to land.
Three walls, ten seconds, a chance to promote your wares.
A display in New York City, in a place called Times Square.
But here is the challenge, I’m sure you’ll do fine.
We have no footage licensed for this use and you have four hours time.
Fast Thinking Content
This was a fun exercise in creative thinking. Although time was very compressed to deliver a very visible placement for the brand, our typical usage meant our available resources were limited for the tight turnaround on a holiday deliverable. As both the creative lead and artist behind the project, it meant quickly developing several concepts (with working mockups). Ultimately we leaned in on existing holiday photography and celebrated a newly revealed logo with eye-catching animation.
PHOTO: Ryan McVay
MY CONTRIBUTION: Motion Graphics, Creative